Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Design Quote for Wednesday

"People have often said to me, "But you don't use much color." This is not so at all. I build a simple background - usually of white or of a very light shade - for the use of color. "

Michael Taylor, The Finest Rooms


Crystal @ Plush Palate said...

Love it! People don't always realize that the use of white can be very intentional and impactful as a 'color'!

Design Cracker said...

Well said! Thanks for stopping by.

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For a Vancouver Chanel office

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For a Vancouver Chanel office

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For a Chanel office in Vancouver

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For Chanel office in Vancouver

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For Vancouver Chanel office
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A couple of my pieces in past House and Home

A couple of my pieces in past House and Home

A couple of my pieces in past House and Home

A couple of my pieces in past House and Home


Class Act, by Billy Haines.

Class Act, by Billy Haines.
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