Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Stop the Presses!!!!!

You must check out the video of this play called "A Conversation With Edith Head" This amazingly talented woman named Susan Claassen has created a glimpse into Edith's world. The website is engaging and beautiful. Do have a look. She is charming and has impeccable comedic timing.

Here is an excerpt from her website.http://www.edithhead.biz/index.html

"....to create a theatrical performance based upon the legendary Hollywood costume designer, Edith Head, has been a dream come true. I first got the idea several years ago. I was watching a television biography of Edith Head. I literally did a double take. My physical resemblance to Edith Head was uncanny. The more I watched, the more I knew there was a story to be told ..."

Photo by Tim Fuller

It is quite remarkable how Susan looks exactly like Edith Head!

Photo by Tim Fuller
I would love to see this play at this theatre. How charming.

Photo by Tim Fuller

Bravo Susan!!

One more excerpt from Susans website:http://www.edithhead.biz/
Edith Head died in 1981 of a progressive and rare blood disease, myeloid metaplasia, two weeks after completing work on her last film, Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. She left her estate to the Motion Picture and Television Fund and to other charitable organizations aiding Native American children and her beloved animals. Her funeral was attended by hundreds, including not only Hollywood’s stars but also the backlot people. A Paramount security guard dressed in a uniform designed by Edith Head mused, “I remember her real well. At Christmas she took care of everyone on the lot. She was the greatest designer in the world. Edith Head was quite a girl.” And that she was.


vicki archer said...

Great post...I am an Edith Head fan too, xv.

Design Cracker said...

So nice to see you here Vicki. Have missed you. I've been battling some medical issues again and have had a little time off. Did you see the post prior to this one? I had so much fun enjoying the pics. This woman Susan is the spitting image of Edith. It's uncanny. Have a great day.

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For a Vancouver Chanel office

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For a Vancouver Chanel office

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For a Chanel office in Vancouver

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For Chanel office in Vancouver

My Camellia Installation

My Camellia Installation
For Vancouver Chanel office
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A couple of my pieces in past House and Home

A couple of my pieces in past House and Home

A couple of my pieces in past House and Home

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